Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cut the cord.

This may not mean a thing to anyone who reads it but me but since part of this blog is to keep a diary of what happens as we welcome our daughter into our lives, I write it mainly for me to remember.

Today somebody older and wiser, in conversation about the baby being born, said to me,"Cut the cord." At first I took it as the metaphoric phrase I have heard meaning, give your child their freedom, don't keep them so close or smother them to the point they can't function on their own...and I thought, that's a strange thing to say seeing as she isn't even born yet. So I'm supposed to give her her freedom before I even know her...then of course,

I realized he literally meant, in the birthing room, at the birth, physically be the one that cuts the cord. You'll have to forgive me, things are moving at 99 mph lately and sometimes I haven't even got my shoes on yet.

No, cut the cord, he said because in that instant, the baby realizes that not only is she dependent on the mother, but you become a part of what the baby depends on just as much. Now, I don't know what scientific basis is there for that, or if he just feels that that is the way it worked for him or if he just read this, but it aligned itself with thoughts I had when we first heard the sex of the baby from the sonographer.

I have to admit that, as a new father and someone who comes from A LOT of women, I kinda had my heart set on having a boy. Really, my fear was I wouldn't be able to relate as much and ALL THESE WOMEN would smother her with attention and I'd kinda be left out of my own child's mind. GO on and laugh if you know that's not the case because you have kids or you're a father with a daughter,'s what I thought and I am not ashamed.

But when this person said "Cut the cord" I just felt, yes, that's right. I'm gonna be relied upon and loved and needed just as much as mommy even if she's a girl. It's gonna be fine. I'm gonna show her what "Star Wars" is, and comb her hair. I'm gonna help her pick out outfits and get her into electronic gadgets. I have a feeling we'll both become more well rounded individuals together and one day when I do have to cut the cord we'll both be ready.


Anonymous said...

I have the best husband in the world. You are going to be such a good father.