At one point in my life I was a pretty creative guy and I played music and wrote it as well. Now I write songs for Sloan and sing them to her all the time. Sometimes her mommy helps.
Sloaney Baloney
was ridin' her pony
all over the town
all up and then down
She runs the gamut in her reactions to these little songs from non chalante to rapturous attention.
I'm just a baby
I'm just a baby
I'm just a baby drinking milk
I like milk
you like milk
we like milk
our mommy's milk.
Someday I am going to record them just for her. I have no desire to follow in the "people my age who used to be in rock bands, now they write and perform children's songs" mode. I don't know why, just don't want to I guess.
I know a girl named pinky pinky
diapers on her butt are stinky stinky
I know a girl named pinky pinky
she's my little girl
She's got a pink dress on-y on-y
Rollin' around on the lawn-y lawn-y
I'm gonna stick her in the laundry laundry
She's my little girl.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Songs for Sloan
Posted by Jason at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanks for 6 months. Giving us a tad more sleep.
Sorry we haven't posted in a LONG time. This baby stuff makes you value your time like it's going out of style. We don't see friends anymore. We don't see anything hardly, just the back of our eyelids when possible. When we do have time at home, it's spent trying to keep it clean and organized and if you set Sloan down for a second, she thinks she's going to be abandoned for life. She also thinks that if we put her to bed.
But she has hit some milestones. She's eating semi-solid food now, Loves them peas and sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes yum yum yum
Sweet potatoes get me some
Yum yum yum
Get me some
Amy is going beyond what she ever thought was possible. She gives all her energy and sleep to the baby. She has to be amongst the list of the best mothers in the world. She blows me away with her utter devotion and attention.
Sloan is very vocal and touching and trying everything. She is, as Jerry Seinfeld mentioned, at that point where our job is to stop her from killing herself.
I am going to put some pics up but I wanted to get this out there to show we still care about this and about anyone who takes the time to look at it.

Posted by Jason at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh Baby!!!
EDIT UPDATE: YES OBAMA WON. It was all because Sloan was so cute in this onsie. Now that she is safe, Sloan is Pro-Choice.
Posted by Jason at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dear Sloan,
Sloan, you are over 3 months old now. Such a short amount of time, but I really can't remember what life was like without you. I've been bad about updating this blog, but it's just because I don't want to do anything but hang out with you. You have brought so much joy and love to our lives. I had no idea I could feel such love, that my body could hold it all. I just cry sometimes, thinking about how much I love you. I now know what all those people were talking about when I was pregnant with you. It's just indescribable.
Your Aunt Amy has kept a journal about the development and activities of your cousins since they were born. I'm sorry I haven't done that, because I'm afraid I'm already forgetting things. It must be the sleep deprivation. Why don't we start with that, little miss? The first few weeks you were here, you slept all the time. I worried that you weren't eating enough because you would fall asleep while nursing. I had to keep waking you up because that's what the pediatrician said - you had to eat every 2 to 3 hours. Once you reached your birth weight, and I didn't have to wake you up to feed you, you suddenly quit sleeping that much. Your sleep pattern since then has been predictably unpredictable. Completely erratic. One day, you'll take long naps, the next you'll stay awake for 9 hours. I screwed up one time and drank too much caffeine. You couldn't sleep well for days. Your little eyes were so red, but you were just wired and ready to go. I felt so bad, and I haven't had caffeine since then. I've screwed up quite a few times, and I'm sure I will many times as a parent. Have I told you about the time I dropped you on the concrete floors when you were just 7 weeks old? Ask me about it. That is one thing I will never forget.
You've changed so much in these past three months, not just physically, but in your behavior and patterns. You used to only be able to sleep well while swaddled. Then, you always slept with your legs froggied-up and your hands behind your head. Then, all of a sudden, last week you turned over on your stomach while sleeping. You can turn over both ways now. Your dad and I were so excited when we first saw you roll over. I called your Grandmommy, who said, "Oh, yeah, she did that the other night when she was over here." Thanks a lot, Grandmommy, for letting me know about that.
We are so lucky that you've been such a sweet and laid-back baby. I don't think your father and I could have handled a difficult baby. I guess God really does give you what you can handle. Last week, you had your first professional pictures taken. You were so sweet and funny, smiling so much and not crying one bit. That's not to say you never cry. There are times when you cry so hard, and we just can't figure out what's wrong with you. I think that most of the time, you're just overtired. That's something we're working on, making sure you are getting enough sleep. I know I'm starting some bad habits now in my quest to get you to sleep, but I've started taking naps with you in the big recliner, letting you sleep on me. I just love snuggling with you, and these are some of my favorite times, along with taking baths with you.
I hear you crying now in your crib, so I'm going to go put your soothie in your mouth and pat your little back. That usually works. I love you, my little angel-baby.
Posted by Amy at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
12 week Thoughts
Well, as of August 16, this Saturday, Sloan will officially be 3 moths old. Yay! We made it alive to 3 months. I think that's some sort of Baby milestone, right? Some things should change.
Speaking of change, and speaking as the father, I am amazed at how everyday the bond between us grows stronger and stronger and I know and understand her more. Amy has it down. She lived with Sloan from the beginning.
As I see her become more aware of her surroundings and reaching for things, pulling objects toward her, turning her body from her tummy to her back and sitting up without a bobbling head, I can't get enough. I want to know, when she makes her little sounds with her mouth, one sounds like bacon frying, the other goes "a-goo," what she is wanting to say. I want to know what she thinks. I want to listen to her talk for hours.
I see her starting to try out her different faces, and only when she is sleeping, I hear her giggle. I wish she would do this while she was awake. I can't wait to her her laugh too.
And even though I say I can't wait...I will. I will savor every moment impatiently.
Type rest of the post here
Posted by Jason at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
No, why do you ask?
We don't wear hand me down clothes...what do you think we are...common people! Huh!
Stay tuned, more posts and plenty of pics coming this weekend...
Posted by Jason at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
La la love you, don't mean maybe....
There is a series of Lullabye albums called "Rockabye" that take contemporary artists and turn their music into lovely music box lullabyes for your baby.
I know it's custom made for "my generation" who are now all having babies and settling into domestic bliss, but I guess I am a sucker because I fell for it when they released this:
The track listing includes
1. Debaser
2. Where Is My Mind?
3. Monkey Gone to Heaven
4. Caribou
5. Velouria
6. Ana
7. Here Comes Your Man
8. Alec Eiffel
9. La Love You
10. Gigantic
11. Wave of Mutilation
And it's actually very nice and soothing. Hell, might as well get the kid hooked on the classics. The Farmer in the Dell only goes so far nowadays.
You can find it on Itunes or at Amazon here: Rockabye Pixies.
Posted by Jason at 9:52 AM 0 comments
It's pretty cool to see her smiling and responding to the world around her. Thought we'd share.
Posted by Jason at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
HAPPY 7 WEEKS, PINKY!!! Happy Birthday USA!!!!
Our Baby Phee, as of 10:39 AM, July 4th, 2008 will be seven weeks old. She looks so much bigger than just a few weeks ago.
It's also Independance Day for the US of A. Baby Sloan will be unable to light off fireworks as the "hold daddy's punk" training was unsuccessful. Something about not being able to keep her head up and being unable to fully operate a bic lighter yet. Well, not for the lack of trying. Maybe next year, Pinky.
As this is an election year, if anyone wonders, Sloan Parker Phelan officially endorses Obama. With Sloan's help, he should be able to capture the "Under 1" female age group that could successfully swing the General his way.
Gobama '08!
Posted by Jason at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Cats think Baby Sloan's stuff is for them.
We have to keep an eye on Teela-bird and Mr Diddle.
They are of the assumption that in the past seven weeks we have moved in a plethora of cat sized items, cutom made for their little cat butts.
Uh-uh. Nope.
They will as you can see, take every chance to make Sloan's stuff their own.
Silly pooties.
We try to keep the animals out of her room but it's impossible.
Ruby has already eaten a few of her soothies (and then pooped them out.)
She is more aware of them all every day. They are very gentle with her and I know they'll all be great friends.
Posted by Jason at 7:14 PM 0 comments
More random Pictures - Because we haven't posted in so long!!!
Posted by Jason at 7:09 PM 0 comments
What happens when Daddy is in charge...
This is the story of Pinky and Daddy.
One day, Daddy got up, took a shower and went in to say Good Morning to Pinky.
Daddy suggested they go to the Park and Pinky thought that was a great idea.
She was happy.
So they went to the park and Daddy carried her in a little pouch. She liked it so much, she fell fast asleep. She's a baby in a pouch, sleeping away...
See, doesn't she look comfy?
Later they went home and Daddy gave her a bath and picked out an outfit for her to wear. Only Daddy could pick something so beautiful!!!
Then Daddy and Pinky both had a bottle...
And then fell fast asleep and dreamed sweet dreams!
Posted by Jason at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy 4 weeks Birthday, Baby Phee!
Dear Sloan,
You were born 4 weeks ago today at 10:39 a.m. You weighed 7lbs, 6.5 ounces and "The Late Great Johnny Ace" by Paul Simon was playing in the delivery room.
The past 4 weeks have been filled with more ups and downs than the past year combined. Your mother is physically tired but still so in love with you to care. Me, well I am tired too but everything is better when you sleep against me, in my arms or on my chest, when you calm your little crying when I hold my head against yours...all of that is wonderful.
You have changed in these past 4 weeks. I see you a little different each day. I look forward to you becoming aware of your surroundings and who me and your mother are. We love you so much and you make us a family.
Posted by Jason at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thanks for the food dudes
Amy and I were just thinking how great it was that people brought us food and or went shopping for us the first couple of weeks of having Sloan, so we'd like to say a special thank you in no particular order to the following people for the following foods:
Both of our sets of parents - for running for us at the hospital and making sure we were fed and taken care of.
Chris and Leslie - The homemade veggie Lasagna kicked bottom.
Lauren and Brad - Veggie Baked Ziti, Hash Brown Casserole, Cinnamon Rolls and the Bread! They were all yummy.
Pat and Sadie and Davis - Cashews, Orange Soda, Peanut butter filled pretzels and Salt Water Taffy....yum.
Aunt Barbara - Your Rotel Spaghetti is always awesome and yummy and of course the cake.
Marjorie and Jacky - Baked Spaghetti and Garlic Bread
Ms. Jean Aiken (our next door neighbor) for the spice cake.
Colleen and Gi Gi - Thanks for shopping for us for a whole weeks worth of food.
My mom and dad especially for bringing he meatloaf and chicken and the best MARINARA SAUCE EEVR.
And Amy's mom for the egg dish Amy loves.
Yeah, so lots of awesome carbs...mind you this was spread out over three weeks so...yeah, I'm fat.
Thanks all. We love you. Anytime.
Posted by Jason at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Lilly turns 1 years old!
Congratulations to Erin and Scott and Baby Lilly for her first Birthday Party! Unfortunately Uncle Jason and Aunt Amy were unable to attend, but had a great excuse...;). Baby Lilly is beautiful and Sloan and her will be great buddies I'm sure. Happy Birthday Lilly!!!
Posted by Jason at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
This was the week that was.
Monday Morning, May 26 11:05 AM. Sloan is in he sleeper, semi-sleeping. Mommy is in the tub. Daddy has somewhat emerged from a gut wrenching 2 day stomach flu and is trying to update the baby blog. There is a lot to update.
Sloan is doing fine. Amy has had quite a time figuring the ins and outs of feeding. I've learned a lot about the stages of diaper contents of newborns and keeping a hormonal mommy from completely breaking down. It's hard. This ain't no vacation, nor is it a honeymoon. This is hard work, but you know why it's worth it?
Because that, or this...
Posted by Jason at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
SLOAN IS BORN! - 5/16/08
Weight: 7 lbs 6.5 oz Length: 19 inches Time: Friday, May 16th 10:39 A.M.
Posted by Jason at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
So tired, tired of waiting...
Everything is ready except for the little one. It's just a waiting game, now. The bags are all packed. The car seat has been installed. The house is the cleanest it has ever been since we moved in. The cats have been temporarily banished to the outside and the garage, and they are pissed. I'm trying to keep the animal hair in the house to a minimum until Sloan is at least a few weeks old. After that, she's just gonna have to learn to live with it. Hopefully, she'll be an animal lover like her parents, Grandmommy, and Paw Paw Sloan are.
Jason and I are feeling quite anxious and eager. We just had to get out of the house last night, and had a great time going to see "Iron Man". I'm going to visit my parents in Gallatin this evening to try and kill some time. We will do our best to try and keep everyone informed when baby finally leaves the womb. In the meantime, keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. We just want a healthy little baby!
Posted by Amy at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Just for the record..
Just for the record, which this is, Amy had her "membrane stripped" yesterday at her mid-wife appointment and this morning, she lost her mucous plug. All of those things point to the baby coming, like, soon, for those of you who don't know what that even means. They don't talk about that kinda stuff and they don't show it on TV. They just usually show some woman's water breaking at a most inconvenient time or like when she is stuck in an elevator or something. Usually this is also when general panic and chaos ensues.
By the by, Amy and I went to the movies last night to get our mind off of everything. Maybe it will be he last night we get to go out as just the two of us, but anyway...we saw IRON MAN. It fucking rocked my socks off. Robert Downey Jr! Jeff Bridges! Terrance Howard! even Gweneth "Fish Sticks" Paltrow were great and I would definitely put IRON MAN up there with Batman Begins, Spiderman 1&2, X-Men 1&2 and the Christopher Reeves Superman 1&2 as the best Super Hero movies. Of course, THE DARK KNIGHT will blow them all away. I AM IRON MAN...dun dun duh-duh-duhn, diddle diddle dee, duh duh duh duhn!
Type rest of the post here
Posted by Jason at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Smile Mommy....
"Smile Mommy" came today and went over our cloth diaper service. You can click on the link to find out more about them. It sounds pretty cool. I am glad we're doing it.
Posted by Jason at 5:25 PM 3 comments
Tom Petty said it best...
"The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part"
I know I shouldn't be anxious. I just am. I just want to see her and hold her and smell her and love her. I want Amy to be happy and hold her. I want "the waiting" to be over and the living to begin. I want to be off from work. I need a break. I am tired. I know the baby won't provide a break, but at least I'll be at home or not having to think about work. I can only think about the baby now anyway. Sheesh.
Posted by Jason at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
No, she's not here yet!
Though that would be a good excuse as to why we have been so lazy about updating the blog. I really don't have a good reason, except that we have been really busy getting ready for little Sloan's arrival.
We finally finished our birth classes, where we learned so much about the whole process, toured the hospital birthing and recovery rooms, and met some lovely couples. My favorite class was the one where Jason learned massage techniques for use during labor. With my wonderful mother's help, I finally washed and organized all the baby's clothes, which was no easy task considering how many clothes Sloan has. We were very lucky to get hand-me-downs from all the little Phelan cousins and from my friend Christy, who is also giving me an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper!
I've reached 37 weeks now, so if the baby came today, she's be full-term. She's making stronger movements and is in a head-down position. I am going to OB appointments every week, and gettting to meet more of the midwives. They are all very reassuring and kind. I'm still working at the psych hospital through this week, but have cut down on my hours. My co-workers always make sure I'm not over-exerting myself, and the adolescent patients always ask to feel my belly.
Jason and I just can't wait to meet our little girl. I've been a bit more emotional lately, crying over certain TV shows and movies. I just bawled the other night over the movie "Waitress", which is a really sweet movie. I just can't believe I'm going to be a mother in just a few weeks!
Posted by Amy at 3:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sloan's Room...after the womb.
So yeah, I wanted to get all the "Thank You" notes out before I got back to the blog but they're out now so I am back. Here are some picures of Sloan's room. Amy found all the stuff mostly and had the most in decorating it and I think it turned out awesome. We didn't want it to be "girly" pink and all that crap. Yes, she's a girl, we get it but we thought she may like to look at other things besides pink all day long. I love it so much, we both just love sitting in there and thinking about her. The only thing we need to finish it off is a nice big, fluffy flocati type rug in the middle.The room is big enough for a queen size bed in there too. Naps will be attempted there.
The trees on the wall are WallCandy that we bought at Popo in Green Hills. The picture in the middle is the invitation to her shower and everyone signed a little message for her.
I hung up shelves in the corner and over by the recliner for her little animals and trinkets.
And there is where we'll feed her and read to her and hold her and rock her to sleep and get spit up on and fall asleep ourselves because we're exhausted while she finds every thing that can kill her in the house. Probably.
I'll get that shower stuff up next.
Now playing: Kinks - Days (stereo mix)
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Jason at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Mother of Showers is coming...
To all those checking in to see the news and pics of the shower, they are coming. I also have video of her room for those that wanted to see it.
Hang in there and I promise once we recover and have a moment, I will get it all up here.
Posted by Jason at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Beck and Sadie visit Amy!
Hey Guys, (From e-mail)
Here are some pictures from today. The kids are so excited about baby Sloan.
They told my Mom all about her and how they were going to hold her and put
her in the bouncy seat and feed her a bottle and babysit her. The one of
Sadie on the phone is when she was talking to "Shoom" and telling him about
holding baby Sloan when she comes out of Mimi's belly.
Love you guys
See the pics below
Posted by Jason at 3:59 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Three places to leave your mark...
Hey everyone who comes by! Thanks for stopping in and seeing how we're progressing along the way to bringing Sloan into the world. As you can see by the sonogram below, she's pretty chill in the natural hot tub - snoozing away, rubbing her nose, baking! If it weren't for all the people out here that love her and wait for her to make that uncomfortable journey, she'd probably prefer (as do her parents) to stay in the comfort of her own home. But there's more to life than that, right, which is where YOU all come in. Follow me after the jump and I'll tell you more...
There are three places to leave your mark around here...for baby Sloan AND her mom and daddy. If you come by, read a post, well comment or say hi. You can also sign the guestbook at the top of the page and leave a message for Sloan or us or both, AND you can also sign up for alerts to new posts at the subscription thingy to your left at the top of the page. You'll get a little message in whatever e-mail you sign up with letting you know there is a new post!
We know it's family and friends that come by and we want to know when you've stopped in! It remin ds us how not alone we are out there and it'll be interesting for Sloan when she's finally old enough to understand all this, which personally makes me remember how old I'll be when that happens. Thanks.
Posted by Jason at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I Love Baby Yes I do...
This ultrasound was taken today. Amy was offered the chance of another ultrasound because with her sleep apnea they wanted to make sure the baby was doing okay. Well, everything checked out 100% A-ok. Amy is right where she needs to be, the baby is also right in the zone. Everything looks peachy keen. Pay attention halfway through the short video, she moves her hand to her nose. So cute and in 3-d too!!!
Posted by Jason at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Things Happen...
So, yeah, once again, the writing of the Baby Phee blog is interrupted by the things in life that happen in order for there to be anything to post to the blog at all, capice?
Here is a minor list of major things that have happened these past few weeks.
1. My father's mother, my grandmother Beatrice Phelan passed away at the age of 91 last wednesday, Feb 20th. She was preceded by my grandfather, Louis Phelan almost exactly 10 years earlier. My memories of my grandparents are great. They were always very loving very happy to get visits from us, as we were from them. Right now, as I picture them both, they are smiling and I hear their voices and I feel nothing but love and warmth from them to me. Being far away and in another state, I personally did not keep in contact and close to them as I could have. I believe that's due to a combination of not only distance but the age I was at and the stages of my life I was going through. Not a great excuse, I know, but at least I admit it. As I get older, I want to know more about their lives before they had kids. I want to know more about the past. I feel I have just a little better understanding of that on the Flanagan side and they are still with us. But growing up, as a child you don't think about that kind of stuff as much. Overwhelmingly, we know they loved us. It was a beautiful wake and ceremony and I got to see people I hadn't for a while, though I wish it were under better circumstances.
2. I started a new job. I didn't want to leave my old one, but that sweet kind of gig doesn't come around every day nor does it last forever when it is based on a grant, and I had it for four years. I didn't need the stress of looking for and transitioning to a new job two months before our baby is due, and we certainly didn't to deal with the messed up system that is this country's health care system under the current junta of the Republican rule, but as the guy in Amadeus said, "There it is."
Read more after the jump!
But everything is okay now on the job and the insurance front. There was nary a bump as I had a last day at one job on Friday the 29th of February, and started the new one that following Monday. And note, I was offered the job the day after hearing my Grandmother died and the day before my birthday. There it is, exactly.
3. We started birth classes also Tuesday, Feb 19th. They are, to me, strangely enough, very relaxing and a calm little escape amongst everything else lately and a time for me and Amy to be by ourselves and focused on what's to come. And it looks like Amy is going to be in a lot of pain. A lot. I mean, I knew that, but really, ow.
4. Speaking of my birthday, right in the middle of all that swirl of activity, I turned a ripe 36 of age. I guess I am an adult for reals now. I have a wife, child on way, house, mini-van, dog and two cats. I have life insurance, I have a 401k and all that crap. Sloan, baby of mine to be, I love you and I hope you make me forget about all that other stuff (except your mommy) more than I even think you will.
My brain hurts lately. I am so exhausted lately as well. I now it's not going to get any better, but things will make me more happy than I ever imagined as well. That's good enough for me to go on now.
Posted by Jason at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
30 Weeks!
I can't believe I have only 10 weeks to go! Exciting and scary at the same time. We still have so much to do to get ready for the baby. We've painted her room, but haven't set up the crib or put anything on the walls yet. We'll be working on all that this week. Jason and I also started child birth education classes last week. The educator is great and laid back, and all the other students are midwife patients as well. It's a very diverse group. A few other couples haven't decided on names either. In case you're wondering, we are leaning toward Clara Sloan or Sloan Parker, but we won't officially choose a name until we see her. I think a few people are getting a bit frustrated with us, but we both feel that we need to meet her before we force a name on her that might not fit.
I am now seeing my midwive every 2 weeks. At the last check-up, my fundal height was on the large side of normal, so the baby seems to be growing quite well. She's moving so much now, and the movements are sometimes so strong. I really feel her when I'm lying still. She might be the kind of baby that likes to be walked around and rocked a lot. I envision her spending a lot of time in the baby sling.
I'm getting another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I have sleep apnea, so my midwive just wants to monitor her growth a little more closely, even though she seems to be doing just fine. So, stay tuned for pics of the little one!
Posted by Amy at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A true SURPRISE Shower!!
I was TRULY suprised at my work this past Thursday, Feb 21st, when my work threw Amy and myself a baby shower lunch.
I had planned to go out to lunch that day with Amy Harris-Soloman, whom I work with. The way I'm situated at work, I should see everyone and everything that goes in and out of our office but I've been kinda distracted lately, so I saw nothing that was going on apparently in the background. When the time came to go to lunch, I headed for the door and the first suprise was (my) Amy standing there. What a nice suprise, Amy was going to meet us for lunch as well, I thought! However, I turned around and everyone from the office was standing there and they had set up, in the conference room, a beautiful lunch spread and I saw baby style gifts in there...they had TOTALLY suprised me with a shower for Amy and me!
We had great food and they all pitched in for a Baby Trend snap and go stroller, which holds the baby seat, and a big ol basket full of baby stuff! We had cupcakes and they also did a great Power Point (how work-like) of baby tips from everyone in the office. I think I'll post those later.
So me and Amy would like to give a HUGE thank you to my co-workers for the surprise and the wonderful thoughts for us. You can see from the pic above we were pretty happy!
Posted by Jason at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Papa!
Today is Jason's 36th birthday. I don't think I can say enough how lucky I am to have him for a husband and as a father for my baby. Happy birthday, Booty. I love you so much! You're going to be such a wonderful daddy.
Posted by Amy at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bad Mommy (baby update)
I've been feeling like a bad mommy for not posting much here, our version of a baby book. Jason is just a better writer than I am, so I've let him handle the posting. However, there are some things that he just can't express, like the crazy things that are going on with my body.
To update you all, I am in my 28th week of pregnancy (28 weeks and 2 days, to be exact). I have now graduated to biweekly midwife appointments, which is wonderful for a worrier like me - more chances for my questions to be answered. I absolutely love the Vanderbilt Nurse Midwives practice. I get lots of personal attention and more control over the birthing process, while still having access to immediate emergency care and painkillers. In case you're like my dad and think I'm seeing some hippie voodoo practitioner, here is more info on certified nurse midwives.
My pregnancy, so far, has been delightfully uneventful. The hardest part has been getting enough protein in my diet. I am a long-time vegetarian, so this has always been an issue for me, especially since I love junk food so much, and I'm not a very adventurous eater. Now, the difficulty is my lack of an appetite. It's just my luck that when I should be losing weight (pre-pregnancy), I had a voracious appetite, but can't seem to make myself eat when I need to be gaining. Mavis, my midwife, isn't worried, though. The baby is actually measuring a little big for her gestational age (30 cm fundal height) and she says my weight gain is right on track for someone who was overweight pre-pregnancy. I still worry, though, about the amount of protein I'm eating. I'm doing my best, drinking High-Protein Boost and Ensure at least once a day and picking out high protein snacks like cottage cheese. My little sister keeps promising to bring me homemade smoothies, but hasn't followed through, yet.
The coolest thing lately has been all the movement going on in my belly. People were right when they said you can't describe how it feels when the baby moves. It's just so amazing. My mom finally got to feel her kick yesterday, and Jason has felt her quite a few times, now. Sleeping well has been increasingly difficult. I didn't sleep well pre-pregnancy, anyway, so getting comfortable with my expanding belly is nearly impossible. Jason gets so irritated that it takes me so long to get settled, I imagine that he will banish me to the bed in the baby's room soon.
More updates to come, I promise. In the meantime, please give me, in the comments section, any tips on preparing pets for a new baby. I think Ruby will be fine, but the cats might be a different story.
Posted by Amy at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Cut the cord.
This may not mean a thing to anyone who reads it but me but since part of this blog is to keep a diary of what happens as we welcome our daughter into our lives, I write it mainly for me to remember.
Today somebody older and wiser, in conversation about the baby being born, said to me,"Cut the cord." At first I took it as the metaphoric phrase I have heard meaning, give your child their freedom, don't keep them so close or smother them to the point they can't function on their own...and I thought, that's a strange thing to say seeing as she isn't even born yet. So I'm supposed to give her her freedom before I even know her...then of course,
I realized he literally meant, in the birthing room, at the birth, physically be the one that cuts the cord. You'll have to forgive me, things are moving at 99 mph lately and sometimes I haven't even got my shoes on yet.
No, cut the cord, he said because in that instant, the baby realizes that not only is she dependent on the mother, but you become a part of what the baby depends on just as much. Now, I don't know what scientific basis is there for that, or if he just feels that that is the way it worked for him or if he just read this, but it aligned itself with thoughts I had when we first heard the sex of the baby from the sonographer.
I have to admit that, as a new father and someone who comes from A LOT of women, I kinda had my heart set on having a boy. Really, my fear was I wouldn't be able to relate as much and ALL THESE WOMEN would smother her with attention and I'd kinda be left out of my own child's mind. GO on and laugh if you know that's not the case because you have kids or you're a father with a daughter,'s what I thought and I am not ashamed.
But when this person said "Cut the cord" I just felt, yes, that's right. I'm gonna be relied upon and loved and needed just as much as mommy even if she's a girl. It's gonna be fine. I'm gonna show her what "Star Wars" is, and comb her hair. I'm gonna help her pick out outfits and get her into electronic gadgets. I have a feeling we'll both become more well rounded individuals together and one day when I do have to cut the cord we'll both be ready.
Posted by Jason at 6:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Our Families come through big time...
Amy and I want to express our deepest gratitude for all the help that our families have provided us with the baby's room. My dad and sister Colleen started it off with the painting and cutting in (don't worry, I'll have pictures of what it looks like as soon as we're complete) and Amy's sister April and hubby Jereme helped with second coats and Amy's mom helped all over the house with things we had to do Sunday. She also bought us all pizza because she rules and apparently decided that her son-in-law needed one more pizza in his life. So she's a little misguided--shhhhh. Anyway, families, we love you and as we've noted in posts before, we can tell how much you already love the baby. She couldn't be more welcomed in the world than she is now.
Posted by Jason at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
To her
Soft as staying fast asleep
like an answer that needs asking
on the ways to somewhere where
all those rays have left her basking
never wanting
Pulling in to where your home is
as the sound of gravel crunching
rocks you deeper into sleep
keeping time with what you're dreaming
engulfed in arms that carry strongly
right into the sheets there waiting
Perfect rhythm of her breathing
helps us form a pretty picture
every wave that bounces back
like a message that she's ready
all those waves have sent her sleeping, unaware but
never wanting
An acrostic poem
By Jason
Posted by Jason at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Dear Sloan (?), your Mom really loves you.
As Amy said in an earlier post, there sure are a lot of things for someone who likes to obsess to obsess about when you're going to have a baby. Did you know there are a gajillion and two paint colors in the world? Not to mention finishes like eggshell or satin or semi-gloss, etc.? And I'm sure that somewhere in a laboratory, there is some evil baby scientist developing a stroller that has a slight difference than the other thousand and eight strollers out there and there's already five blogs with reviews for every stroller.
Yeah, so, you think to yourself. What else is new and what's the problem? Well, take a new mother with some obsession issues, some internet issues, a sprinkle of anxiety, a dash of informational diarrhea, an Emeril-like - BAM! - of exhaustion and raging hormones and you have the recipe of what I've been eating for the past week.
It's all good though. I am as awesome as Amy describes me in past posts so I've almost let it slide. Zen-like, it rolls off my back like snow falls from a cedar branch. I'm there with a comforting word, maybe a nice dinner taken to her at work from Calypso (some healthy protein for my vegetarian mama-to-be) and all is well with the world. Right.
Well, it hasn't been easy but maybe it's the voice in my head (or my mother or her mother or her sister) telling me to be cool. Maintain. She's a swirling sea of mood right now and even if she's wrong she's not. She's right.
What I do know is she wouldn't be having these freak-outs if she didn't care. She wouldn't be worried about lead dust in the air from paint that's cracked on some of our trim in the house if she was a thoughtless mother. She wouldn't have an anxiety attack over having a "used" crib if she hadn't read that that increase the chance of it spontaneously collapsing - most likely when the baby is gently asleep in it - if she was a nonchalant mama.
But she's right. She does it because she loves her baby, our baby, so much it scares her. That and she googles too much.
They're right. I give like that cedar branch, I don't break and so when the snow no longer weighs me down, I'll go on living and thriving.
I just need to wait till the spring, right?
Posted by Jason at 7:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Babies all over the place!
I don't know if I'm just noticing it more because I'm pregnant, but it seems that so many people are having babies this year. My cousin Kayce is having twins in April, and her sister Tasha is having a little boy who is due a few days before my baby. Four people I work with are due within a month of me. My niece Dylan and Jason's cousin Lisa are due in August, and we just found out that some very good friends of ours have a little one coming in September (names withheld b/c I don't know whom all they've told). Congratulations to everyone!
Posted by Amy at 3:44 PM 2 comments
My pregnancy so far...
As you can see from the pics below, my belly and boobs are really growing. And, yes, I am obsessed with them. Pregnancy is truly a crazy person's dream - so many things to be obsessed over. Bodily changes, weird signs and symptoms, paint colors, nursery decor, safe baby gear - all these topics and more have been dominating my thoughts over the past 6 months. Thank God for my therapist and completely understanding husband.
Except for the extreme nausea and vomiting over the first three to four months, my pregnancy has been fairly uneventful and easy. The worst part of vomiting during pregnancy is that each time I throw up (which I still do at least once a week), I lose control of my bladder. Jason has had a hard time understanding this, but he really has been incredibly sweet and supportive. I grow more and more in love with him each day. I'm glad we waited almost 9 years into our marriage to have this baby. We're both such emotional and sensitive people that we needed the super strong foundation we've been able to build. I can't imagine going through this with anyone else but him.
The coolest part of expecting a baby is seeing how excited our families are about this little girl. There are so many grandchildren on each side that you'd think it would be no big deal. My little baby is not even born yet, and she is loved so much by so many people already. I am overwhelmed by all the love and support we have. This baby is a lucky little girl. Now, if we can just settle on a name for her. Sloan Parker is again the name of the day. We'll see what we think tomorrow.
Posted by Amy at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Amy @ 16 and 25 Weeks
Here's my beautiful wife at 16 weeks, and then at 25 weeks. She is totally obsessed with her tummy and other growing parts. It's really cute. There is a cliche about pregnant women glowing. It's no cliche. She really looks beautiful and alive. She loves it too. She currently is at 25 weeks.
Posted by Jason at 2:18 PM 0 comments
I'm not trying to turn this into "What We Want" Central...
But there is something that I just thought of that is a must for our child. It's a set of books that I am still completely in love with to this day. It's a couple of A.A. Milne's books entitled "When We Were Very Young" and "Now We Are Six." Most important I guess, would be the "When We Were Very Young" one as she's 6 years away from being 6.The poems are so wonderful for kids. I must have read them a million times as a kid and as I got older and played music, I wanted to (and still want to) put the poems to music for a children's album. I'm sure getting the rights would be impossible. So if anyone wants to be cool and like, get this for our daughter, or be real cool and find an old vintage copy for our daughter and sign it, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing her Daddy will read and/or sing these to her and maybe she'll love them as much as I do. Anyway, after the "read more" I'll post one of the poems I liked. It's called "Disobediance"
James James
Morrison Morrison
Weatherby George Dupree
Took great
Care of his Mother,
Though he was only three.
James James
Said to his Mother,
"Mother", he said, said he;
"You must never go down to the end of the town,
if you don't go down with me."
James James
Morrison's Mother
Put on a golden gown,
James James
Morrison's Mother
Drove to the end of the town.
James James
Morrison's Mother
Said to herself, said she:
"I can get right down to the end of the town and be
back in time for tea"
King John
Put up a notice,
James James
Morrison Morrison
(Commonly known as Jim)
Told his
Other relations
Not to go blaming _him_.
James James
Said to his Mother,
"Mother", he said, said he:
"You must never go down to the end of the town with-
out consulting me."
James James
Morrison's Mother
Hasn't been heard of since.
King John
Said he was sorry,
So did the Queen and Prince.
King John
(Somebody told me)
Said to a man he knew:
"If people go down to the end of the town, well,
what can anyone do?"
(Now then, very softly)
J. J.
M. M.
W. G. Du P.
Took great
C/o his M*****
Though he was only 3.
J. J.
Said to his M*****
"M*****", he said, said he:
-- A. A. Milne
Posted by Jason at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Last night we watched a cool documentary
Last night, Amy and I watched a doc from Netflix. It was National Geographic's "In the Womb" In it, ultrasound imaging techniques allow the viewer to enter the world of the human fetus -- inside the womb. You follow the journey of a growing embryo from its inception as a single-celled organism to the beginning of brain activity to the first heartbeat. It was pretty interesting and helpful in mapping out all that happens as the baby develops.
Now that Amy is in the 25th week, we learned... this is when the baby's senses really start to mature. She is starting to hear things as the amniotic fluid is a great sound transducer. I guess I really have to step up my talking and singing to her. Sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to Amy's stomach but this helped me (along with feeling her for the first time move around in there) grasp the fact that she's developing away right in there.
I told Amy last night that sometimes I don't know if I can grasp the fact that she's really coming. I know that will all be erased as soon as she is born but, it's not 100% yet. All I know is that as each week passes, as each little flutter of movement is felt I feel love for her and the need to protect her and the excitement of meeting this fresh, new, mix of Amy and myself that will grow to be her own person.
Posted by Jason at 6:28 AM 1 comments