Monday, March 31, 2008

The Mother of Showers is coming...

To all those checking in to see the news and pics of the shower, they are coming. I also have video of her room for those that wanted to see it.

Hang in there and I promise once we recover and have a moment, I will get it all up here.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beck and Sadie visit Amy!

Hey Guys, (From e-mail)
Here are some pictures from today. The kids are so excited about baby Sloan.
They told my Mom all about her and how they were going to hold her and put
her in the bouncy seat and feed her a bottle and babysit her. The one of
Sadie on the phone is when she was talking to "Shoom" and telling him about
holding baby Sloan when she comes out of Mimi's belly.
Love you guys
See the pics below


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Three places to leave your mark...

Hey everyone who comes by! Thanks for stopping in and seeing how we're progressing along the way to bringing Sloan into the world. As you can see by the sonogram below, she's pretty chill in the natural hot tub - snoozing away, rubbing her nose, baking! If it weren't for all the people out here that love her and wait for her to make that uncomfortable journey, she'd probably prefer (as do her parents) to stay in the comfort of her own home. But there's more to life than that, right, which is where YOU all come in. Follow me after the jump and I'll tell you more...

There are three places to leave your mark around here...for baby Sloan AND her mom and daddy. If you come by, read a post, well comment or say hi. You can also sign the guestbook at the top of the page and leave a message for Sloan or us or both, AND you can also sign up for alerts to new posts at the subscription thingy to your left at the top of the page. You'll get a little message in whatever e-mail you sign up with letting you know there is a new post!

We know it's family and friends that come by and we want to know when you've stopped in! It remin ds us how not alone we are out there and it'll be interesting for Sloan when she's finally old enough to understand all this, which personally makes me remember how old I'll be when that happens. Thanks.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Love Baby Yes I do...

This ultrasound was taken today. Amy was offered the chance of another ultrasound because with her sleep apnea they wanted to make sure the baby was doing okay. Well, everything checked out 100% A-ok. Amy is right where she needs to be, the baby is also right in the zone. Everything looks peachy keen. Pay attention halfway through the short video, she moves her hand to her nose. So cute and in 3-d too!!!


Friday, March 7, 2008

Things Happen...

So, yeah, once again, the writing of the Baby Phee blog is interrupted by the things in life that happen in order for there to be anything to post to the blog at all, capice?

Here is a minor list of major things that have happened these past few weeks.

1. My father's mother, my grandmother Beatrice Phelan passed away at the age of 91 last wednesday, Feb 20th. She was preceded by my grandfather, Louis Phelan almost exactly 10 years earlier. My memories of my grandparents are great. They were always very loving very happy to get visits from us, as we were from them. Right now, as I picture them both, they are smiling and I hear their voices and I feel nothing but love and warmth from them to me. Being far away and in another state, I personally did not keep in contact and close to them as I could have. I believe that's due to a combination of not only distance but the age I was at and the stages of my life I was going through. Not a great excuse, I know, but at least I admit it. As I get older, I want to know more about their lives before they had kids. I want to know more about the past. I feel I have just a little better understanding of that on the Flanagan side and they are still with us. But growing up, as a child you don't think about that kind of stuff as much. Overwhelmingly, we know they loved us. It was a beautiful wake and ceremony and I got to see people I hadn't for a while, though I wish it were under better circumstances.

2. I started a new job. I didn't want to leave my old one, but that sweet kind of gig doesn't come around every day nor does it last forever when it is based on a grant, and I had it for four years. I didn't need the stress of looking for and transitioning to a new job two months before our baby is due, and we certainly didn't to deal with the messed up system that is this country's health care system under the current junta of the Republican rule, but as the guy in Amadeus said, "There it is."
Read more after the jump!

But everything is okay now on the job and the insurance front. There was nary a bump as I had a last day at one job on Friday the 29th of February, and started the new one that following Monday. And note, I was offered the job the day after hearing my Grandmother died and the day before my birthday. There it is, exactly.

3. We started birth classes also Tuesday, Feb 19th. They are, to me, strangely enough, very relaxing and a calm little escape amongst everything else lately and a time for me and Amy to be by ourselves and focused on what's to come. And it looks like Amy is going to be in a lot of pain. A lot. I mean, I knew that, but really, ow.

4. Speaking of my birthday, right in the middle of all that swirl of activity, I turned a ripe 36 of age. I guess I am an adult for reals now. I have a wife, child on way, house, mini-van, dog and two cats. I have life insurance, I have a 401k and all that crap. Sloan, baby of mine to be, I love you and I hope you make me forget about all that other stuff (except your mommy) more than I even think you will.

My brain hurts lately. I am so exhausted lately as well. I now it's not going to get any better, but things will make me more happy than I ever imagined as well. That's good enough for me to go on now.


Monday, March 3, 2008

30 Weeks!

I can't believe I have only 10 weeks to go! Exciting and scary at the same time. We still have so much to do to get ready for the baby. We've painted her room, but haven't set up the crib or put anything on the walls yet. We'll be working on all that this week. Jason and I also started child birth education classes last week. The educator is great and laid back, and all the other students are midwife patients as well. It's a very diverse group. A few other couples haven't decided on names either. In case you're wondering, we are leaning toward Clara Sloan or Sloan Parker, but we won't officially choose a name until we see her. I think a few people are getting a bit frustrated with us, but we both feel that we need to meet her before we force a name on her that might not fit.

I am now seeing my midwive every 2 weeks. At the last check-up, my fundal height was on the large side of normal, so the baby seems to be growing quite well. She's moving so much now, and the movements are sometimes so strong. I really feel her when I'm lying still. She might be the kind of baby that likes to be walked around and rocked a lot. I envision her spending a lot of time in the baby sling.

I'm getting another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I have sleep apnea, so my midwive just wants to monitor her growth a little more closely, even though she seems to be doing just fine. So, stay tuned for pics of the little one!