Sorry we haven't posted in a LONG time. This baby stuff makes you value your time like it's going out of style. We don't see friends anymore. We don't see anything hardly, just the back of our eyelids when possible. When we do have time at home, it's spent trying to keep it clean and organized and if you set Sloan down for a second, she thinks she's going to be abandoned for life. She also thinks that if we put her to bed.
But she has hit some milestones. She's eating semi-solid food now, Loves them peas and sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes yum yum yum
Sweet potatoes get me some
Yum yum yum
Get me some
Amy is going beyond what she ever thought was possible. She gives all her energy and sleep to the baby. She has to be amongst the list of the best mothers in the world. She blows me away with her utter devotion and attention.
Sloan is very vocal and touching and trying everything. She is, as Jerry Seinfeld mentioned, at that point where our job is to stop her from killing herself.
I am going to put some pics up but I wanted to get this out there to show we still care about this and about anyone who takes the time to look at it.