"Smile Mommy" came today and went over our cloth diaper service. You can click on the link to find out more about them. It sounds pretty cool. I am glad we're doing it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Smile Mommy....
Posted by Jason at 5:25 PM 3 comments
Tom Petty said it best...
"The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part"
I know I shouldn't be anxious. I just am. I just want to see her and hold her and smell her and love her. I want Amy to be happy and hold her. I want "the waiting" to be over and the living to begin. I want to be off from work. I need a break. I am tired. I know the baby won't provide a break, but at least I'll be at home or not having to think about work. I can only think about the baby now anyway. Sheesh.
Posted by Jason at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
No, she's not here yet!
Though that would be a good excuse as to why we have been so lazy about updating the blog. I really don't have a good reason, except that we have been really busy getting ready for little Sloan's arrival.
We finally finished our birth classes, where we learned so much about the whole process, toured the hospital birthing and recovery rooms, and met some lovely couples. My favorite class was the one where Jason learned massage techniques for use during labor. With my wonderful mother's help, I finally washed and organized all the baby's clothes, which was no easy task considering how many clothes Sloan has. We were very lucky to get hand-me-downs from all the little Phelan cousins and from my friend Christy, who is also giving me an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper!
I've reached 37 weeks now, so if the baby came today, she's be full-term. She's making stronger movements and is in a head-down position. I am going to OB appointments every week, and gettting to meet more of the midwives. They are all very reassuring and kind. I'm still working at the psych hospital through this week, but have cut down on my hours. My co-workers always make sure I'm not over-exerting myself, and the adolescent patients always ask to feel my belly.
Jason and I just can't wait to meet our little girl. I've been a bit more emotional lately, crying over certain TV shows and movies. I just bawled the other night over the movie "Waitress", which is a really sweet movie. I just can't believe I'm going to be a mother in just a few weeks!
Posted by Amy at 3:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sloan's Room...after the womb.
So yeah, I wanted to get all the "Thank You" notes out before I got back to the blog but they're out now so I am back. Here are some picures of Sloan's room. Amy found all the stuff mostly and had the most in decorating it and I think it turned out awesome. We didn't want it to be "girly" pink and all that crap. Yes, she's a girl, we get it but we thought she may like to look at other things besides pink all day long. I love it so much, we both just love sitting in there and thinking about her. The only thing we need to finish it off is a nice big, fluffy flocati type rug in the middle.The room is big enough for a queen size bed in there too. Naps will be attempted there.
The trees on the wall are WallCandy that we bought at Popo in Green Hills. The picture in the middle is the invitation to her shower and everyone signed a little message for her.
I hung up shelves in the corner and over by the recliner for her little animals and trinkets.
And there is where we'll feed her and read to her and hold her and rock her to sleep and get spit up on and fall asleep ourselves because we're exhausted while she finds every thing that can kill her in the house. Probably.
I'll get that shower stuff up next.
Now playing: Kinks - Days (stereo mix)
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Jason at 5:17 PM 0 comments