We found out that Sloan is a pizza fiend in our recent trip to St. Louis.
That's her scarfing down a piece of famous St. Louis style IMO'S Pizza. It's not something that we would normally feed her as she is just a 10 month old baby, but we were on a "vacation" and the reaction to her first piece of pizza was priceless.
She also had her first "Fry" at another St. Louis establishment "Lion's Choice." This of course is something we also would not give her normally.
I don't want her to eat bad (like me). I don't want her to be a fat kid (like me). It scares me because I don't want her to not have the opportunities to do things or be looked at a certain way or have people form an opinion about her just because she is carrying extra weight. She's just a baby, I know but I have to get in shape myself and her mommy does too so we can all enjoy being around eachother for a long time and be healthy and happy and active.
Anyway, the St. Patrick's Day Parade was cool because it's the first time in a long time I had been to one, it was a beautiful day, a lot of my cousins and theiur kids and my whole family was there and we wrer all dressed in green which was fun.
My Uncle Tim rode a unicycle in the parade and overall Sloan had a great day!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sloan's trip to St. Louis and St. Patrick's Day Parade, Pizza and Fries.
Posted by Jason at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Time Flies like an Eagle eagle eagle into the Future...
I guess it's been some time since I last posted. She is a handful. She is actually 4 handfulls...no she is 5 handfulls and we don't have 5 hands.
Now she is nine months old and she is babbling and making all kinds of sounds. She pulls herself up on everything and walks around if she is holding onto something. She is not walking on her own. She says "Hi" and waves and she says "Dada" and pats my back and hugs me. That is my favorite thing. She is always so excited to see me. It makes me feel sooooooo good.
She makes cute faces and she laughs. She is very huggy and affectionate and like I said, she does this thing that just kills me where she pats you when she hugs you.
Posted by Jason at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Unbelievably giddy!
Did I mention I love her? Did I cause I do.
I'm so completely simply, sweetly so in love with you.
Proud Daddy. It hit me completely.
Posted by Jason at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Songs for Sloan
At one point in my life I was a pretty creative guy and I played music and wrote it as well. Now I write songs for Sloan and sing them to her all the time. Sometimes her mommy helps.
Sloaney Baloney
was ridin' her pony
all over the town
all up and then down
She runs the gamut in her reactions to these little songs from non chalante to rapturous attention.
I'm just a baby
I'm just a baby
I'm just a baby drinking milk
I like milk
you like milk
we like milk
our mommy's milk.
Someday I am going to record them just for her. I have no desire to follow in the "people my age who used to be in rock bands, now they write and perform children's songs" mode. I don't know why, just don't want to I guess.
I know a girl named pinky pinky
diapers on her butt are stinky stinky
I know a girl named pinky pinky
she's my little girl
She's got a pink dress on-y on-y
Rollin' around on the lawn-y lawn-y
I'm gonna stick her in the laundry laundry
She's my little girl.
Posted by Jason at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanks for 6 months. Giving us a tad more sleep.
Sorry we haven't posted in a LONG time. This baby stuff makes you value your time like it's going out of style. We don't see friends anymore. We don't see anything hardly, just the back of our eyelids when possible. When we do have time at home, it's spent trying to keep it clean and organized and if you set Sloan down for a second, she thinks she's going to be abandoned for life. She also thinks that if we put her to bed.
But she has hit some milestones. She's eating semi-solid food now, Loves them peas and sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes yum yum yum
Sweet potatoes get me some
Yum yum yum
Get me some
Amy is going beyond what she ever thought was possible. She gives all her energy and sleep to the baby. She has to be amongst the list of the best mothers in the world. She blows me away with her utter devotion and attention.
Sloan is very vocal and touching and trying everything. She is, as Jerry Seinfeld mentioned, at that point where our job is to stop her from killing herself.
I am going to put some pics up but I wanted to get this out there to show we still care about this and about anyone who takes the time to look at it.

Posted by Jason at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh Baby!!!
EDIT UPDATE: YES OBAMA WON. It was all because Sloan was so cute in this onsie. Now that she is safe, Sloan is Pro-Choice.
Posted by Jason at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dear Sloan,
Sloan, you are over 3 months old now. Such a short amount of time, but I really can't remember what life was like without you. I've been bad about updating this blog, but it's just because I don't want to do anything but hang out with you. You have brought so much joy and love to our lives. I had no idea I could feel such love, that my body could hold it all. I just cry sometimes, thinking about how much I love you. I now know what all those people were talking about when I was pregnant with you. It's just indescribable.
Your Aunt Amy has kept a journal about the development and activities of your cousins since they were born. I'm sorry I haven't done that, because I'm afraid I'm already forgetting things. It must be the sleep deprivation. Why don't we start with that, little miss? The first few weeks you were here, you slept all the time. I worried that you weren't eating enough because you would fall asleep while nursing. I had to keep waking you up because that's what the pediatrician said - you had to eat every 2 to 3 hours. Once you reached your birth weight, and I didn't have to wake you up to feed you, you suddenly quit sleeping that much. Your sleep pattern since then has been predictably unpredictable. Completely erratic. One day, you'll take long naps, the next you'll stay awake for 9 hours. I screwed up one time and drank too much caffeine. You couldn't sleep well for days. Your little eyes were so red, but you were just wired and ready to go. I felt so bad, and I haven't had caffeine since then. I've screwed up quite a few times, and I'm sure I will many times as a parent. Have I told you about the time I dropped you on the concrete floors when you were just 7 weeks old? Ask me about it. That is one thing I will never forget.
You've changed so much in these past three months, not just physically, but in your behavior and patterns. You used to only be able to sleep well while swaddled. Then, you always slept with your legs froggied-up and your hands behind your head. Then, all of a sudden, last week you turned over on your stomach while sleeping. You can turn over both ways now. Your dad and I were so excited when we first saw you roll over. I called your Grandmommy, who said, "Oh, yeah, she did that the other night when she was over here." Thanks a lot, Grandmommy, for letting me know about that.
We are so lucky that you've been such a sweet and laid-back baby. I don't think your father and I could have handled a difficult baby. I guess God really does give you what you can handle. Last week, you had your first professional pictures taken. You were so sweet and funny, smiling so much and not crying one bit. That's not to say you never cry. There are times when you cry so hard, and we just can't figure out what's wrong with you. I think that most of the time, you're just overtired. That's something we're working on, making sure you are getting enough sleep. I know I'm starting some bad habits now in my quest to get you to sleep, but I've started taking naps with you in the big recliner, letting you sleep on me. I just love snuggling with you, and these are some of my favorite times, along with taking baths with you.
I hear you crying now in your crib, so I'm going to go put your soothie in your mouth and pat your little back. That usually works. I love you, my little angel-baby.
Posted by Amy at 7:13 AM 0 comments